NEONnoir News
Hello world!
Once again, I state the obvious and say it’s been quite some time since we last chatted. So much has happened, and I can’t wait to get you up to speed.
For starters, you may have noticed that the site has gotten a facelift. I’m pleased with how it looks now, though a few sharp edges still need some digital sanding.
Also, progress is underway on NEONengine, the C port of the Blitz Basic NEONnoir engine. Headway has been slow, and the summer brought a bunch of distractions, as it’s wont to do. Still, I’m looking forward to warming myself up by the glow of the monitor this winter.
The star of the show, however, is the new NEONnoir boxed set! In the first blog post, I talked about how cool it would be to hold a physical copy of this game, and it’s finally become a reality!
I worked with a talented illustrator to design the box art. Then, I laid out the manual, printed stickers (everyone loves stickers), sourced new-old-stock floppy disks, and even a custom USB drive that looks like a stick of Coral from the game.
I can’t believe how awesome it all came out. If you’re interested in one, fill out this form. If enough people want one, I’ll make a production run. Of course, the more I make, the less expensive they’ll be.